
Garry Bog

Garry Bog SAC is an active raised bog located near the town of Ballymoney in Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland. It is a large bog which is an excellent representation of an active raised bog. The site has an extensive and well developed pool system, and Golden bog moss is found here in abundance as a result of this. Parts of Garry Bog are considered to be degraded, but it is hoped with careful and considerate management that these areas are capable of regeneration.

Garry Bog

CANN Works

Over the lifespan of the project, the CANN team will be working on producing a Conservation Action Plan for Garry Bog SAC. As part of producing this plan detailed surveys are underway to better understand the very complex hydrology of the site. On the ground conservation actions to be completed include the management of invasive species, and fencing to manage access.


Golden bog moss is from the Sphagnum grouping of bog mosses which are considered to be “bog builders”. These spongy Sphagnum mosses are a vital component of the creation and continuation of peat bogs as they store water and prevent the decay of dead plant material. It is this non-decayed plant material which gets compressed over hundreds of years eventually forming peat. Sphagnum mosses come in an amazing variety of colours, and grow very closely together forming dense coverings on the bog surface, even creating 'hummocks' - large mounds of moss up to a metre high.
55.108346, -6.527789

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